Jiangdong Fm
Type Locality and Naming
South Tibet next to Nepal. The Jiangdong Fm was named by Mao Yanshi in 1985. The type section is at Youyiqiao-Rouqie Village, Nyalam County, Tibet. Upper formation in Nyalam Gr.
Synonym: (江东群)
Lithology and Thickness
In the type section, the formation is subdivided into lower and upper parts. Lower part is dominated by biotite leptite ["leptite" = near obsolete term for fine-grained gneissic metamorphic rock; composed of feldspar and quartz with subordinate mafic minerals], sandwiched with biotite migmatite, biotite gneiss and marble. The strata were mostly migmatized. Upper part consists of biotite leptite sandwiched with biotite quartz schist, diopside marble and hornblende-quartz schist. The thickness varies from 529 m to over 5500 m.
Relationships and Distribution
Lower contact
It is conformable with the underlying Quxiang Fm.
Upper contact
Its upper part is in a fault contact with younger strata, such as the Rouqiecun Fm (Sinian). Regionally, the next younger unit is the Qomolangma Gr that begins in mid-Tonian.
Regional extent
South Tibet next to Nepal. It is distributed in Nyalam, Gyilong, Yadong and Nanjiabawa region.
Depositional setting
From mindat.org: classic leptite has been interpreted as tectonized quartzo-feldspathic volcanic rocks
Additional Information